
Deialect Riiding (IPA: /ˈdaɪ.əˌlɛkt ˈɹəɪ.ɾɪŋ/) is an almost-phonemic system of transcribing my dialect of spoken English. First developed as a system on which to base other English cyphers, Deialect Riiding is also frequently used on this website as an English pronunciation guide.



B b/b/Bubl
P p/p/Piip
M m/m/Meim
F f/f/Feef
V v/v/Veibrayt
T t/t/Tork
D d/d/, /ɾ/Dawdl
N n/n/, /ŋ/Nincompoop
Ng ng/ŋ/Awning
C c/k/Cayk
K k/k/Kik
G g/g/Gigl
S s/s/Sein
Z z/z/Ziprz
Sh sh/ʃ/Sheepish
Zh zh/ʒ/Zhoezh
Ch ch/tʃ/Chrch
J j/dʒ/Juj
Th th/t̪/Thaynx
Dh dh/d̪/Dhidhr
H h/h/Helo
X x/ks/Ox
R r/ɹ/, /ɚ/Ror
L l/l/, /ɫ/Lidl

There exists free-varient use of the letters <c> and <k> to spell the phoneme /k/, as well as <x>, <cs> or <ks> to spell the phoneme sequence /ks/; although in pronunciation guides, the spellings <k> and <ks> is preferred. /ŋ/ is spelled <ng> only as the final phoneme within a morpheme.


Morpheme boundaries are determinative of the spelling of some vowel phonemes; wherein a vowel phoneme has two possible spellings, the former listed is that which occurs either initially or medially within a morpheme, and the latter is that which occurs finally.

Ee ee/i/Eezee
I i/ɪ/Ich
A aAa aa/ɛə/Apl
E eEh eh/ɛ/Enchrins
O oA a/a/Yot
Ay ay/eɪ/Skayt
Ei eiI i/aɪ/Ski
Ii ii/əɪ/Niis
Ow ow/aʊ/Owns
Ou ou/əʊ/Pout
Oy oy/ɔɪ/Oystr
Oo ooU u/u/Boobu
Oe oe/ʊ/Boek
Oa oaO o/ʌʊ/Oabo
Aw aw/ɑ/Awfl

*/ə/ can be written with any of <a>, <e>, <i>, <o>, <u>, or <r>, tho the historic spelling is preferred.

Three vowel-rhotic sequences have exceptional transcriptions:

Ar ar/aɹ/Ardvark
Ayr ayr/eɹ/Ayree
Or or/oɹ/Ordr